Link to Ontario Language and Media Literacy Curriculum:
- 1.1 – explain how various media texts address their intended purpose and audience.
- 1.3 – evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences in media texts.
- 2.1 – explain how individual elements of various media forms combine to create, reinforce, and/or enhance meaning.
- 2.2 – identify the conventions and techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience.
Brief Overview of the Lesson:
The students will discuss the aspects of a Decision Making model. Then they will play an Internet game called “The Coffee Shop Money Game” using decision making strategies. After playing the game, the students will discuss how they used the decision making process to play the game. They will discuss the aspects of the game they enjoyed and consider any ideas they may have to improve the game.
Estimated Time Required for Implementation:
One class period
Materials Needed:
A copy of the Decision Making Model, computers
Suggested Implementation Strategy:
- Show the class the Decision Making Model provided.
- Tell the class that they are going to use the Decision Making Model to play an Internet game. Tell them that they will also be assessing the various aspects of the game and discussing any ideas they may have as to how it could be improved.
- Ask the class to think some of the challenges or problems there might be in running a coffee shop. Relate their answers to the model, e.g. Purpose –Sell coffee to make money, Alternatives—how much to buy, Assess Risks—may run out of milk, Make A Decision—decide how much to buy, Analyze the decision—next time buy more milk!
- Put the students in pairs and tell them to open the following website: They are to use the decision making model while playing the game.
- After playing the game, ask the students questions such as:
1. How did the decision making model help you play the game?
2. What elements of the game were particularly effective?
3. Critique the game. Did it engage them? Was it fun to play?
4. Do your have any ideas that would improve the game?
Options for Consideration:
- Making decisions is harder when more people have input. The teacher may want to do this as a whole class activity and create a group discussion and debate about how much coffee, milk, sugar, etc. to buy.
Extended Learning Opportunities:
- In groups, ask the students to brainstorm and make a list of events in their daily lives where they would use this model. For example,
- should I buy a new CD or save up to go to a concert?
- should I go to the movies tonight or stay home and study for a test?
- Discuss video games that the students play that require using the Decision Making Model.
- Let the class experience more decision making activities at this website.
A Decision Making Model