Brief Overview
Help students discuss money and their role and responsibilities as consumers. What behaviours could influence their spending or savings? How do they perceive money? What values do youths have towards money?
Role Play
Help students build a dynamic rapport with their surroundings, while keeping the necessary distance towards consumption and environment exploitation
Learning Area(s)
1) Students will be evaluated according to their written and spoken answers.
2) Through a debate, students will be evaluated according to the quality of their answers.
Competency #3: Communicate verbally following various guidelines with the following elements:
(1) Make meaningful statements about financial education;
(2) Verbally, express an opinion or make comments on the subject.
The teacher can use an evaluation grid, depending on required criteria.
Ethical and religious culture: Practice dialogue
Competency Components: Interact with others, organize thoughts and elaborate on a well-defined point of view.
Expected Result(s)
Help students reflect on ethical questions related to money.
Explaining the Learning Material
– Oral communication following various guidelines
– Resolve mathematical problems (budget, taxes, savings, projects, etc.)
1. Make a list of primary and secondary expenses for youths
2. Create a monthly budget
3. Identify ways to save
4. Help students discuss true and false perceptions as consumers.
Development axis:
Responsible consumption and use of goods and services: Differentiate between desires and needs; what influences consumption (media, family, friends, peer groups, etc.); make smart choices regarding consumption; balance a budget; production/consumption ratio; individual needs and collective needs.
Understanding social, economical and ethical aspects of the consumption world: Where do various consumer products come from, consequences of globalization on cultures, lifestyles and wealth allocation; working conditions for goods and services producers; viable and united consumption, fair distribution of resources.
Knowledge Consolidation
Discussion could start again several months later during the school year.
Class Management
Work with the Class ____ x ____ Individual Work ____ x ____ Team Work____ x ____ Other:_____________________
Required Supplies
1. Personal Finances: basics from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
2. Let’s Talk about Money, Financial Market Authority, Centre Ressources Jeunesse, Réseau des carrefours jeunesse emploi (Contact : Stéphanie Morin, Agente de développement et de liaison,
Money and Youth from the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (