Virtual Money Fair

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How to Make Money Grow – Investments (MB)

Subject Area: English Language Arts

Getting Started:

Manitoba English Language Arts Curriculum Expectations:

  • 1.2.1 Develop Understanding
    • Recognize and articulate the value of connecting prior and new knowledge and experiences to shape and extend understanding.
  • 1.2.3 Combine Ideas
    • Identify or invent personally meaningful ways of organizing ideas and information to clarify and extend understanding.
  • 1.2.4 Extend Understanding
    • Ask specific and focused questions for elaboration and clarification; engage in dialogue about experiences and understanding.
  • 2.1.2 Comprehension Strategies
    • Use comprehension strategies [including reflecting on and assessing meaning, skimming, scanning, close reading, and identifying and relating in own words the main and supporting ideas] appropriate to the type of text and purpose.
  • 3.1.1 Use Personal Knowledge
    • Examine personal knowledge of and experiences related to a topic to determine information needs.
  • 3.1.3 Contribute to Group Inquiry
    • Contribute ideas, knowledge, and questions to help establish group inquiry or research focuses and purposes.
  • 3.1.4 Create and Follow a Plan
    • Prepare and use a plan to access information and ideas from a variety of sources [such as teachers, peers, print and non-print materials, electronic sources….].
  • 4.2.2 Revise Content
    • Revise to create effective sentences that convey content clearly and generate reader interest.
  • 4.4.2 Effective Oral Communication
    • Deliver short oral presentations and reports using verbal and non-verbal cues [such as diction, pacing, presence, facial expression, gestures…] to focus audience attention; project emotion appropriate to the subject and point of view.
  • 5.2.2 Work in Groups
    • Present group conclusions or findings to classmates.

Learning Goals:

  • Students will discover ways to invest money and understand the risks and rewards of each kind of investment.


  • Students need to understand the terms: acronyms, investments.

Materials Needed:

  • Computers
Learning Activity:

Introduction to Lesson:

  • Ask the class if they have heard the term “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
  • Do they know where a person can put money to make it grow?
  • Do they have any money saved? What kind of investment is it?
  • Explain that today they will be researching different kinds of investments that people can buy to make their money grow.


  • Divide the class into 6 groups.
  • Each group will be researching a financial investment.
  • Assign one kind of investment to each group — TFSA, GIC, RRSP, RESP, Bank Saving Account or Stock Market.
  • They are to use the internet to research and report back to the class:
    • what the acronym represents,
    • where to buy this kind of investment, and
    • what the advantages and disadvantages are of putting money in this kind of investment.

Consolidation of Learning:

  • The groups share their findings with the class, discussing what was learned about each kind of investment.
Evaluating Success:

Success Criteria:

  • For homework, the students are to pretend they have $100 to invest. They are to use the knowledge they learned today and write a paragraph explaining why they chose this way to invest the money.

Confirming Activity:

  • Ask the students to share with their family, what they have learned about investing.