Virtual Money Fair

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Will That be Cash or Credit? (MB)

Subject Area: English Language Arts

Links to the Manitoba English Language Arts Curriculum Outcomes:
  • 1.2.4 Extend Understanding
    • Ask specific and focused questions for elaboration and clarification; engage in dialogue about experiences and understanding.
  • 2.1.2 Comprehension Strategies
    • Use comprehension strategies [including reflecting on and assessing meaning, skimming, scanning, close reading, and identifying and relating in own words the main and supporting ideas] appropriate to the type of text and purpose; use a variety of strategies [such as concept mapping, mental rehearsal…] to remember ideas.
  • 3.1.1 Use Personal Knowledge
    • Examine personal knowledge of and experiences related to a topic to determine information needs.
  • 3.1.2 Ask Questions
    • Formulate a variety of relevant questions on a topic to establish a purpose for seeking information.
  • 3.2.3 Assess Sources
    • Use pre-established criteria to evaluate the currency, usefulness, and reliability of information sources in answering inquiry or research questions.
  • 3.3.1 Organize Information
    • Organize information and ideas by selecting or developing categories appropriate to a particular topic and purpose.
Brief Overview of the Lesson:

The students will learn about different methods people can use to pay for their purchases or their bills – such as cash, credit cards, debit cards, store cards, cheques, and electronic funds transfers. Using a jigsaw activity, each group will research one kind of payment, considering its pros and cons. The “experts” will then share with the other jigsaw groups.

Estimated Time Required for Implementation:

One period

Materials Needed:

Internet access

Suggested Implementation Strategy:
  • Begin the class by showing a phone bill, a clothing bill, or other bills that have to be paid.
  • Ask for suggestions as to how a person might want to pay these bills. Record the answers on the board. Keep asking questions to ensure the students suggest all the following – cash, credit cards, debit cards, store cards, cheques, and electronic funds transfers.
  • Using a jigsaw activity, divide the class into 6 groups. Ask each group to research one of the methods people use to pay their bills. Tell the groups to make notes about the method they chose and be prepared to discuss the pros and cons of using this method of payment. When everyone is finished their research, have the “experts” share their findings with each of the groups.
  • End the period by asking the questions:
    1. Now that you have heard the pros and cons of each method of paying bills, which one do you think is best?
    2. Why do you think this is the best way to pay bills?
    3. Depending on the circumstances, could there be a time that using a different method to pay a bill would be better?
  • Observe students during the class and group discussions.
  • Observe the answers to the final three questions to see what the students learned about paying debts.
Possible Links to the Home Program:
  • Age Group 11–13 — Games – Filling in the Skeleton
Extended Learning Opportunities:
  • Ask the students to research one particular kind of card as to what the annual fees are to own the card and what the interest rates or penalties are if payments are not made on time. Then share their research with the class.