Links to the Manitoba English Language Arts Outcomes:
- 1.2.1 Develop Understanding
- Recognize and articulate the value of connecting prior and new knowledge and experiences to shape and extend understanding.
- 1.2.4 Extend Understanding
- Ask specific and focused questions for elaboration and clarification; engage in dialogue about experiences and understanding.
- 3.1.4 Create and Follow a Plan
- Prepare and use a plan to access information and ideas from a variety of sources [such as teachers, peers, print and non-print materials, electronic sources…].
- 3.2.3 Assess Sources
- Use pre-established criteria to evaluate the currency, usefulness, and reliability of information sources in answering inquiry or research questions.
- 3.3.1 Organize Information
- Organize information and ideas by selecting or developing categories appropriate to a particular topic and purpose.
Brief Overview of the Lesson:
After a brief class discussion about why some jobs are higher paying than others, the students will read an article called “Why Do Some People Make More Money Than Others?” Then they will complete a research assignment about possible future careers that they may be interested in pursuing.
Estimated Time Required for Implementation:
One to two class periods
Materials Needed:
Copies of the handout, internet access
Suggested Implementation Strategy:
- Discuss with the class what kinds of jobs they think are high paying. Ask them to explain the reasons why they think these people earn more than other jobs.
- Ask them what kinds of jobs are low paying and ask them why?
- Tell the class that they will read an article called “Why Do Some People Make More Money Than Others?” Give each student a copy of the handout and tell them that after reading the text they will do the assignment at the bottom of the page.
- Collect the assignments.
- Assess the discussion.
- Mark the assignments.
Possible Links to the Home Program:
- Ages 14–16 -— Jobs in the Community
Extended Learning Opportunities:
- The students could present their research finding to the class and lead a further discussion about possible careers.

Why Do Some People Make More Money Than Others?
There are many factors that affect how much a person is paid. Often people who make more have a higher education, they have a degree from a university or a college. In the past, doctors or lawyers were considered to be prime career choices to make a high wage. That is not true. Many very wealthy people are entrepreneurs. Plus, there are lots of people who learn a trade, such as an electrician or plumber, who earn six figure salaries. One key factor is to figure out what you are good at and find a profession that will pay you well to use your skills.
Other factors to consider are work ethics. Are you going to give your best to ensure quality work, and are you willing to learn new skills as they are needed? Employers expect people to be punctual. Will you be at work on time, be willing to do overtime if needed, or will you watch the clock and leave when the day ends.
Hard work does not guarantee a bigger wage, but it certainly helps! Employers value employees who stay on a task, and are adaptable and flexible. Also, employers like to hire people who have good people skills, you need to be able to work well with others and to be confident.
Getting a lucky break can also decide how much you make. You just might be in the right place at the right time. But most of the time, you make your own luck by working hard and developing good work habits.
Research Assignment
Now choose three professions that you think you might like to pursue in the future. Research on the internet what kind of skills and education is required for each one. Try to find out what the average starting salary is and what the potential earnings could be after several years on the job. See if you can find quotes from an interview with a person about their profession. What they like or dislike about the job, etc.