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Watching and talking about Toy Story 2

Category: Movies, Music & TV | Age Group: 5-7


Money can’t buy happiness


A copy of the video “Toy Story 2”


In this sequel to the original Toy Story movie, discarded toy Woody discovers he’s a celebrity. Woody finds out he’s a collector’s item with great value. But the plot takes children on Woody’s adventure as he decides what is best between love or fame. The movie teaches that old things have value, and that, in the end, love is far more important than riches or wealth.


Before watching the movie, have a discussion with your child. Ask the following questions:

  1. What do people need to make them happy?
  2. Talk with them about “fame” and some of the people they may know of who are famous.
  3. Ask your child what they think it would be like to be famous. What might be good? What might not be good?
  4. Does your child think famous people have a lot of money?
  5. Does your child think that famous people are happy?
  6. Does your child think being rich makes people happy?

Pause the movie occasionally when there is something important to discuss with your child about what is happening to Woody.

  • Watch another movie with a similar topic.
  • The movie “The Jungle Book” is all about being happy with what you have and that you don’t have to go searching to find happiness.
  • The movie “A Christmas Carol” shows that someone with a lot of money can be very unhappy—and that what brings happiness is using their good fortune to help others.
  • You may want to talk with your child about who, in your community, could do with some help—and how they could be helped by others.
  • Talk with your child about what makes them happy and talk about some of the things that don’t involve money at all.