Link(s) to the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Curriculum:
- Heat Transfer — Home Heating Technologies
- provide examples of heat technologies used past and present to heat homes in
Newfoundland and Labrador, including:
(i) wood stove
(ii) electric heat
(iii) oil furnace
(iv) air to air heat pump
(v) hot water radiation
(vi) geothermal
(vii) solar
Brief Overview of the Lesson:
In groups, the students will examine various ways that have been used to heat homes in their province. They will then, as a class, identify the most common form used to heat their homes today. They will then examine how that system works. Once this has been done, they will be asked to brainstorm the ways that people impact the environment by using this form of energy. They will access a program on the Internet to learn how they personally can save money by saving energy, and read some facts such as how much money the average Canadian household spends on energy.
Estimated Time Required for Implementation:
One class period
Materials Needed:
Computer access
Suggested Implementation Strategy:
- Begin the lesson by asking the students to imagine the following scenario and respond to the question:
- It is the year 1867 and it is the middle of winter. How are you heating your house?
- Get their responses and then ask them what method they have in their house now.
- Determine the most common types of heating and discuss briefly with them how those systems work.
- Ask them now to suggest how using this form of heating impacts the environment.
- Having done this, ask them what they think they might be able to do to conserve heat in their home and thereby reduce costs and help save the environment.
- Once they have compiled their list ask them if they can guess what percentage of the energy costs of the average house goes to heating.
- Open the following website titled “You Can Make Big Changes” and read together how they can help save money and energy.
- Ask the students to create a poster showing various ways people can save money and save energy.
- Assess the posters.
Options for Consideration:
- If computers are available, the teacher may want the students to access the website individually or in pairs, rather than as a whole class.
Extended Learning Opportunities: