Virtual Money Fair

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Money Management (Atlantic Canada)

Subject Area: Mathematics

Links to the Foundation for the Atlantic Canada Mathematics Curriculum:

7. Number Concepts/Number and Relationship Operations
7.A Students will demonstrate number sense and apply number theory concepts.
7.B Students will demonstrate operation sense and apply operation principles and procedures in both numeric and algebraic situations.

Brief Overview of the Lesson:

The students will play a game on the Internet called “Math at the Mall.” This real life simulation game will give the students practice solving a variety of problems. They will visit a bank, a café, a toy store, and a gym. Using numeric operations, they must find percentages, use fractions, calculate tax, compare prices and make the correct change.

Estimated Time Required for Implementation:

One class period

Materials Needed:


Suggested Implementation Strategy:
  • Ask your students to raise their hands if they like going a mall.
  • Tell your students to find a partner and open the following web link.
  • They are to choose a character and spend the class period visiting a virtual mall.
  • Discuss with the class what problems and decision they had to make while playing the game.
  • Ask what they would do differently if they played the game again.
Options for Consideration:
  • Students may do this activity alone.
  • The teacher may use a Smart Board and make this a class activity.
Possible Links to the Home Program:
  • Age 11–13 — What Kind of Spender Are You?
  • Age 14–16 — Tracking Expenses and Managing Money
Extended Learning Opportunities: