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Making a Family Chores Chart

Category: Crafts | Age Group: 8-10


Responsibility and Reliability


Blank paper and a printer


Learning to be “responsible” and “reliable” are two attributes that will often have a great effect on a child’s future—in how they will handle money, make money decisions, earn money, and so on. This activity focuses on helping to develop these two important life skills. Doing jobs around the house for which they have responsibility—and doing them on time and doing them well—can, over time, provide a child with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It can help teach them to be responsible, reliable, and independent. The reward for doing a good job does not need to be money. The parent can choose how to reward a job well done. But recognizing a child’s accomplishments is very important and helps to build an “enterprising spirit” as they have confidence in their abilities and are able to accomplish things.


Go to the following website to choose a chore chart for your family. There are many different kinds. Print out a chore chart that is appropriate.


When it comes to chores and responsibilities around the house, the topic of “allowances” often comes up—and whether children should be “paid” for the work they do—and also have money held back if they do not live up to their responsibilities. This is a somewhat debatable topic. To help you make your decision, below are some suggested articles and books that provide a range of opinions from some who have researched and/or written on the topic of allowances.

Here are two examples of free printable charts. You can make one chart for the whole family, or individual ones for each person in the family.

