Links to the Atlantic Canada Social Studies Curriculum Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the interactions among people, places, and the environment.
- Analyze ways in which social, political, economic, and cultural systems develop in response to the physical environment.
- Use knowledge of the past to assist in decision making.
Brief Overview of the Lesson:
The class will discuss currencies used in countries around the world and the geographic reasons why some countries make good tourist destinations. In pairs, the students will complete a research assignment that looks at currencies and land features of countries that make it a popular place to visit. They will produce a travel brochure to share with the class.
Estimated Time Required for Implementation:
2–3 periods
Materials Needed:
Copies of the handout, computers or reference books
Suggested Implementation Strategy:
- Begin a class discussion by asking the students if they have travelled to another country that used a different money system.
- Ask for a definition of the word “currency.”
- Ask them if they can remember what the currency in the country they visited was called.
- Ask the students to give a few examples of currency used around the world.
- Ask what the reason was that their family chose this vacation destination.
- Ask why some countries get more tourists than others.
- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a copy of the handout provided.
- Assign the following task to the pairs.
1. Find the currency of the listed countries and then choose four other countries and find out the currencies of those countries also.
2. List the geographic features of each country.
3. Each pair will consider their findings and choose a country and design a travel brochure, promoting why it makes an ideal travel destination.
- Mark the worksheet.
- Evaluate the travel brochures.
Extended Learning Opportunities:
- The students may research the imports and exports of the countries.
- The class may be asked to use a currency converter to value the Canadian dollar compared to other countries currency.
- Ask the students to play this online game which teaches the mountains, rivers, and deserts of the world.