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How Can I Help?

Category: Activities: Home | Age Group: 11-13


Sharing and Donating


No specific requirements


As children grow and mature it is valuable for them to understand the importance of sharing and donating to others. Life has a way of putting some people at a disadvantage at times. It is therefore important for adults to understand and look for ways in which they can help others during challenging times. In doing so, they become active members of their communities in both giving back as well as prospering.

  • Ask your child if they remember seeing such things as food donation boxes in the supermarket or Salvation Army kettles in the plazas around Christmas.
  • If so, ask your child what they think they are for.
  • Once it has been established that these boxes exist to help the less fortunate ask your child if they are aware of any other organizations or activities aimed at helping needier people.
  • Once your child has listed things, talk about the fact that people can help others in different ways other than by giving money.
  • With your child create a list such as doing chores for the elderly, donating food to food banks, volunteering at nursing homes and hospitals, and holding fundraisers.
  • Conclude the discussion by talking about why it is so important for people to support others in time of need.
  • You could discuss with your child something that the two of you could do together to assist those less fortunate.