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Having a Talk About Money

Category: Activities: Home | Age Group: 8-10


Various topics about Money


Scissors, plastic bag, one copy of the Conversation Starter handout provided


Children often learn some of the basics about money at school. They are learning about money denominations and solving money problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills.

It can help if they also have a chance to “Talk” about money at home. Parents and guardians will find it interesting to find out more about what their children already know about money and where the gaps are in their understanding of money concepts. This ice breaker activity will get the family talking about money topics, questions, and issues.

  • Print out a copy of the Conversation Starter handout. Cut up the sections, fold each piece, and put them in a bag.
  • During dinner time, on a long car trip, on a bus ride, doing the dishes together, standing in a line-up, or when you are out for a walk, ask your child to pick one statement, read it and start the money talk. Some sections have been left blank—add your own and encourage your child to add their own questions to the bag.
  • Keep the bag in a handy place so it can be used often.
  • There are no right answers. One of the sections asks, “What are some ways you can earn more money?” Encourage kids to think about not only saving money, e.g. from their birthday money or their allowance, but also think about what they could do to earn money.
