Virtual Money Fair

Please select the virtual money fair page for your desired province below. (Note: we’ll be adding every province in the coming days, so check back soon if yours isn’t listed yet)

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The contest is now closed. We congratulate the official grand prize winner Ben Russell and his family. We want to extend our thanks to all of the other contestants for sharing their great stories. We hope that you will continue to have the “talk about money” with your family.

Entry is simple:

Sit down with your family and discuss the importance of understanding money. Engage in one of our online lessons, discuss the reasoning behind an upcoming family purchase, or just have an informative chat!

Share with us! Write a story, post a picture or post a video link to showcase your "family money talk". You can choose to post one or more options, it's up to you. The more creative your submission, the better chance of success!

Tell your family and friends to vote! The more votes you have, the greater your chance of making the top five. Goodluck!

-4024 days left

This Year's Contestants

Ally Card

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Calvin Smith

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A.Y. Jackson - ON

Their story:

One of the first money lessons I learned was to shop around. I would save money that I earned from baby sitting, dog sitting, odd jobs and birthday/holiday gifts. When I wanted to buy something, I wouldn’t buy the first thing I saw. I would check out a couple of stores, the sale racks and sometimes even a store like Winners. After Christmas last year I went shopping with my sister. I bought 3 shirts for the same as my sister spent on one. (Y)

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Saseenos - Bc

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Ben Russell (WINNER! / GAGNANT !)

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Ethan Leung

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St. Gregory - Toronto, Ontario

Their story:

This past summer I had my first summer job cutting my neighbour's lawn. My Dad showed me how to do it. I first had to clean up the lawn, yes even the doggie dodo! Then I cut the lawn and swept up the driveway. I did it every week and earned a lot of money. I did have to pay my Dad for gas and sometimes my sister if she helped clear the sticks. The money I earned went into my Save, Spend and Share jars. I put a lot into the bank for my education, but I also paid for half of a new bike. I gave my sister my old one so my mom and dad contributed a bit to my new bike. I also was able to buy some new clothes since my mom usually only pays for my uniform. I waited for them to be on sale to save money. My parents talk with me a lot about money and I know how important it is to manage it carefully.

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Emily Carr Public School - Ontario

Their story:

Whenever Ethan receives money from birthdays, chores or from the sale of unwanted belongings, he is always aware that a portion must be allocated to savings and the other to spending. Ethan understands that all things have a value and he has to decide if the object he may desire is worth his hard earned money. What's great is that he knows that money is finite, meaning he can only spend as much as he has in hand. Ethan knows that debt is bad and that saving is important, but that it is also important to reward yourself and enjoy the money he has earned. I'm happy and proud that he understands these concepts and is on the right path to becoming financially literate. Ethan is currently looking for a paper route to earn more money. Thanks!

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Kaylyn Baron

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Tanner's Crossing School, Minnedosa - Manitoba

Their story:

Every month the kids have a 'talk'. We give them allowance and they sit down and sort out the correct amount to go into a savings jars, a give jar and their spending jar. They decide what they are saving for and every month they reassess that decision along with how much they are putting towards it. They have learned that if they spend less and save more they can get to their goal quicker! Its all about deciding what is more important to them!

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Share and Win

Please note: The "Contestant" winning the RESP must be between 6 and 18 years of age. The official "Applicant" submitting the entry must be 19 years of age or older.

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(each submission must include at least one of the following)

1. Write a story about "your talk":

2. Upload a picture of "your talk":

3. Enter a link to a video (Youtube/Vimeo):

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