Virtual Money Fair

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Pay Cheque (QC)

Subject Area: Mathematics, French

Brief Overview

To understand the components of a paycheque.

Learning Area(s)

Math: recognize numbers and write them out
French: writing

Expected Result(s)

Recognize each area of a pay cheque (2)
A cheque is money in a different form.

Explaining the Learning Material

There are 2 parts to a pay cheque:
The first part indicates earnings: it is the actual “cheque”.
The second part thoroughly describes the salary and what is being taken out of it: it is the “pay statement”.


– Welcome students
– Exercise to learn to write/read numbers
– Answer questions asked during Role Play
– Describe how to correctly fill out a cheque
– Ask students to fill out a cheque

Knowledge Consolidation

Role play:
You are an employer and must pay your employees with cheques.


The students will have to go to the writing board to fill out the
pay cheque with the amount defined in class.

Class Management

Work with the Class ____ x ____ Individual Work ____ x ____ Team Work____ x ____ Other:_____________________

Required Supplies

Pencil, writing board, questionnaire, paper, eraser, samples of a cheque