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An unforgettable Christmas (QC)

Subject Area: Mathematics, French

Brief Overview

To plan a family supper by using mathematical and french notions.

Role Play

Usually, Granny holds Christmas with the entire family at her house. This year, Granny won the lottery and wants to organize a bigger party. She wants something unforgettable, but also something youthful. She asks you to take care of preparing the day.
You will need to:
– Choose the menu for the buffet.
– Plan for decorations.
– Find small surprise gifts.
– Create the invitation.
– Etc.
You must use your entire budget. Granny will do the shopping but you need to give her a complete and detailed list of what she needs to buy. Also, Granny wants to use the same caterer as last year “What’s cooking”.
You will need to give Granny a list all the guests as well as a draft for the invitation.
**Note** – Granny reminds you that she can have a maximum of 40 guests and doesn’t want to provide cutlery or china

Learning Area(s)

Math: adding, multiplying, subtracting, dividing, mathematical reasoning, use the correct calculations depending on context
French: Reading comprehension

Expected Result(s)

Students will do the activity alone, in silence, at their desk. I will walk around the room during the activity to answer questions. As students don’t all work at the same pace, some students will finish the activity in class, while others can finish it at home.

Students will use strategies used in class during past classes (explanations will be clearly laid out, with calculation details)

The objective is to help them create and calculate a budget ($). And understand why it is important to know how to calculate (money/budget)

Explaining the Learning Material

It is important to respect calculation priority, as results can change.
Example: 2+4×3=??
When respecting calculation priority, they will calculate as follows:
First 4×3=12
Then 2+12=14,
When simply reading the mathematical equation from left to right, they will calculate as follows:
First 2+4=6,
Then 6×3=18.
I will then give them an activity workbook so they can start working.
To organize such an event, they must develop the following abilities:
– Organization and planning skills
– Be responsible
– Be self-sufficient
– Think critically
– Develop research strategies
– Network (to obtain the best possible prices)


We will do a follow-up on what we studied during previous classes and on the abilities they already possess and that they will need to use during the activity. I will give them the activity material. They will have the entire period to finish the activity and will be given additional exercises on calculation priorities if they finish early.

Knowledge Consolidation

Students will have to finish the activity at home. Depending on where they are at, they will receive a homework sheet to complete at home (if they all had time to complete the activity given in class). I will then gather their activities to correct them.


Brainstorm in writing or as a group:
– Did you like the activity?
– What did you find most interesting?
– What did you understand about calculation priorities? Are they important?
– What part was most interesting to you?
– What could be modified?

Class Management

Work with the Class ____ x ____ Individual Work ____ x ____
Team Work____ x ____ Other:__________________

Required Supplies

Pencil, paper, calculator, eraser, student workbook













