Please select the virtual money fair page for your desired province below. (Note: we’ll be adding every province in the coming days, so check back soon if yours isn’t listed yet)
Close this WindowKevin A. Maynard, Vice-President, Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)
Kevin has worked with CFEE in various capacities since 1998, primarily as Chief Operating Officer and most recently as primary project facilitator for “Managing Your Money In Canada, a series of financial literacy workshops developed for seniors, newcomers and recent immigrants to Canada. He has been a key member of a number of CFEE project teams responsible for the development and execution of CFEE programs. He has primary responsibility for coordinating school board liaison with CFEE and its variety of youth oriented financial literacy programs.
Kevin is a Career Coach to newcomers and a public speaker to students in career exploration settings. He is a governor and treasurer of the Canadian Career Development Foundation. Kevin and his partner Jeff enjoy sailing in their spare time from their home base at the Port Credit Yacht Club.
The Talk with our Kids About Money Day program is expanding internationally. For more information, or to request the program be implemented in your country, please contact us.
By registering, educators will be able to access the resources, lesson plans for their specific province, and the Teacher’s Guide.
Let us help you and your family make the most of the resources on the site. By sharing some basic information, you will be linked to resources that fit the ages and interests of your children.
Note: You do not need to register to access the resources. However, we would appreciate it if you do register since we would like to have a sense of the numbers of people participating. We will also send news and info periodically to those who register.
Enter your email address. A reset link will be sent to you.